Yesterday Once More

After earning a work-for-trade job in a high-tech senior home, a self-absorbed grad student must manage his assigned resident’s social media profile. Only this account does more than just posts likes and retweets, it also keeps the residents alive.

“Yesterday…” started off as a Black Mirror spec script entitled “No One Likes You.” Only problem was I couldn’t fit the world in just a one-hour slot. It wasn’t until COVID shut the world down that I finally cranked the story into a feature-length script.

I was always entertained by the what-if senior citizens had to maintain their social media accounts as if their lives depended on it? Then, after reading about work-for-trade program in Norway called dungad where students are given free room/board in exchange for caring for senior citizens, I found my story. It wasn’t until obsessing over The Carpenter’s song “Yesterday Once More” that I found my title.